The limits disappear with InnVision, which turns the sales and product validation process into an immersive and efficient experience. The seller has the possibility to impact the customer and have a space where he can show all the added value of his product. The customer, on the other hand, can attend to the meeting from the office or home without investing in travel, as well as better understand the product and review it concretely. The virtual representation with 3D models also allows savings by optimizing the process of design and validation of layouts and prototypes, reducing the error rate.
When selling certain products, the contact between potential customer and salesperson is a challenge. While there are simple products that only require a couple of images and a phone call to be understood, other products such as heavy machinery or industrial equipment have a much higher degree of complexity. For the sales process of such products, customer travel is practically mandatory for a correct decision making process. This involves constant travel expenses, hindering the buying and selling process. However, today there are technologies that make it possible to break the geographical barrier and bring reality to a fictitious plane. This is the case of Virtual Reality, which not only makes it possible to virtually represent real tangibles, but also to visualize that which, in the real world, cannot be seen. InnVision is a virtual showroom that allows different users to gather in the same space to visualize 3D models and other types of content. The collaborative nature of the platform supports sales and product validation processes without the need of visits. The platform is compatible with PCs and some smart glasses, which ensure a maximum level of immersion. The experience offered by InnVision, beyond its impact and attractiveness, allows products to be explained in a way that was unthinkable until now. By placing the user in front of a life-size 3D model of the project, they can interact with it and inspect it in detail. InnVision allows to visualize 2D digital content such as PDFs or videos in a resizable and positionable viewer, as well as to generate 1:1 scale CAD models that can be sectioned to see its inner workings. Users can communicate in the virtual space without limits, being able to make drawings or annotations with complete freedom.Contact information