Immersive Factory transformed the HSE training into a new digital learning experience which allows the organization of Digital Health, Environment & Safety training events.
Thanks to the next generation of HSE trainings and events platform, fully digital and immersive, Immersive Factory contributes to raise awareness among women and men, whether they are at home or at work. By harnessing data and expertise with their customers and partners in health, safety and environment field, Immersive Factory is helping businesses all over the world, whatever their size, to proactively mitigate risks for everyone, everywhere, every day!
Created by virtual reality experts, in partnership with major French companies, Immersive Factory’s new platform offers an infinite number of learning paths for an immersive experience in the HSE universe. Entirely digitized, collaborative, fun and permanent, the platform offers an unparalleled panel of workshops and functionalities to raise awareness on professional risks in a short period of time: conference room, cinema, escape games, quizzes, 3D scenarios, interactive games, etc.
As an actor of his training, the employee navigates through the platform thanks to his avatar and can at any time choose the workshops he wants to follow, interact with colleagues, in a relaxation area or a meeting room, participate in quizzes or view his scores. Virtual simulations save time for the learner who connects from wherever he wants, whenever he wants, and progresses more quickly than in traditional training (4X faster according to PWC). The evaluation and monitoring by the trainer, in real time, allows the course to be readjusted and to identify areas for improvement. Entirely under the control of the administrator (trainer), the immersive experience is customizable with, among other things, the integration of its own training modules and the adaptation of reporting to measure the return on investment.
In collaboration, IMMERSIVE FACTORY designed, developed and helped EGIS to implement a virtual reality training program for their motorway patrollers.
The virtual training for the patrollers was implemented in less than six months, allowing freshly recruited patrollers to start with this new module in April 2019. The program was so successful that in September 2019, EGIS also used virtual reality training programs for their experienced patrollers to keep their knowledge up-to-date and to renew their traffic certification. This certification and continuous training is now part of their culture.
During the development of the module, the administrative staff was asked to test it. Their feedback was beyond all expectations, labelling the program as fun, realistic and helpful to better understand the different missions of the patrollers and all the risks associated with this job. It therefore also improved the communication between the patrollers and the administrative staff. So much so that this virtual reality training program is now being used as part of an awareness raising exercise.
Furthermore, according to Richard Lengrand, this new program led to:
- 0 defecting performance with no report of any known conformity on emergency event management. 0 accidents related to emergency situations.
- A 100% satisfaction rate of their trainees. They say that the training is demanding, fun and realistic.
- Through virtual reality, trainees retain 95% of what they learned.
Egis Testimonial: