Problem to be solved

In specific industries good staff training is very critical and it must guarantee highest quality standards to avoid failures during operation due to possibly bad trainings. Damaged hardware, avoidable down-times of production or even injuries could occur – the severity depends on the sector and task at hand.

In some cases, the typical training process would only cover the theoretical part and does not allow a “hands-on” experience to see and work with needed machinery. The staff would only see the object of interest during their first day at work resulting in having no time to familiarize adequately.

In other cases, the training requires special experts to fly in and meet with the staff at certain hardware that is impossible to move or expensive to organize. Scheduling and logistic gets complex and consumes time and money for all trainer, trainee and material. Availability is low and spontaneous expert advice is impossible.



With our AVA training platform, edataconsulting is offering a new and modern software tool to allow companies do their remote trainings virtually in 3D. Our customizable VR platform lets staff conduct initial or repetitive trainings alone or in a group – independently from their physical location. They remain in their save environment and can repeat classes on their own. A tutor can join a session and evaluate the student communicating directly and naturally enabling the best possible training results for successful and safe work afterwards.


Success case. Results

Consolidation of knowledge of the conducted trainings is secured using AVA. The user is enabled to learn in a step-by-step process the upcoming tasks in a safe virtual environment. Familiarizing with the final machinery or product is sped up by a complete immersive and interactive experience where the future “daily business” can be simulated and recreated before.

Furthermore, AVA can be used from any location: install it in your mobile VR headset without the need for any cables, external cameras, computers or WiFi connections. This feature is the best for your mobility and easy transport. The glasses will also recognize your hands and fingers and enable you to naturally interact with the virtual world without further explanations. Just jump in.

We also allow the user to consult existing and classic material like PDF manuals or videos directly in our VR space to not switch training medium during a session. A tutor and/or other students can join you and create a classroom situation from any place – together.


Contact information

Contact person
Cristina Ramos