Problem to be solved

Road accident rates are an area of major concern for public entities who are continuously seeking to make road travel safer for their citizens.

Thus, governing bodies invest heavily in detecting damage and disrepair of both vertical and horizontal road signs (including pavement median lines) as well as road surfaces.

Unfortunately, the high cost of physical inventories prevents government authorities from thoroughly monitoring their road systems. In many cases, road and sign damage may not detected by the human eye, putting road users’ lives at risk. These issues can be resolved if road imperfections are detected in time for preventive maintenance to be performed.

This is why we developed the eyesNroad platform, which allows government authorities to monitor road and sign conditions without investing heavily in monitoring devices. Users can employ the platform to generate thorough road inventories without any previous knowledge in the field and without hiring any specialized staff.

eyesNroad assists local authorities in keeping roads in good condition, ensuring that citizens can travel local roads safely.


We have developed eyesNroad platform in order to reach a further distance of roads to be analysed and inspected for proper maintenance.

Thank to that, any driver can shoot a video with any camera places on the dashboard and focusing to the road and then, upload it into

eyesNroad platform automatically generates and detects inventories of traffic signs (vertical and horizontal), gantries, potholes, and road damages with its georeferenced, even the retroreflectance of vertical signs while recording a video during night-time. Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies are used to detect damages that are not recognize by human eyes, giving a much more reliable accuracy.

Our goal is to implement high tech benefits on our daily basis and eyesNroad cloud makes it possible by generating road inventories without the need to invest enormous sums of money on hardware or software and using any kind of camera by any driver.

Success case. Results

eyesNroad makes possible to detect any kind of damages on roads and highways generating road inventories quickly, easily and without investing large amount of money or requiring previous knowledge. As a result, more roads can be analysed by reducing time and cost for governments and companies, and of course, reducing the risk of having an accident while driving.

Contact information

Contact person
Miguel González Cuétara