In the fiercely competitive and global world of manufacturing on NC machine tools(NCMT), businesses have to produce ever more complex workpieces at ever greater speed without additional cost to the customer. Machine tools have become increasingly complex and costly both to acquire and to operate in order to guarantee man-ufacturing quality while also reducing machining time. In addition, the apprenticeship periods on such machines are now longer, making operator training more expensive. It thus appeared to be a matter of importance to ensure that training evolves towards new innovative and effective teaching aid products compatible with the high level of technical knowledge required in the field. Thus, to answer to the needs of the market and acquire a competitive edge, it will be useful to create artefacts tailored to the needs of the new generations (the so-called Y-generation), strongly imbued with a digital technology culture. Mecagenius increases NC machining skills through the use of a serious game. Mecagenius is a learning game to serve classroom apprenticeships with the overriding goal of teaching the key concepts of mechanical engineering, learning them while also having fun.Contact information
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Success case. Results
Mecagenius is used as well by high school pupils as by students in university or in schools of engineer. It has been used by more than 1000 students and pupils. From a teacher point of view Mecagenius enables to attract students and to improve training. From a user perspective, Mecagenius was greatly appreciated and aroused a real feeling of pleasure in most students. The great majority wished to continue using Mecagenius1infuture courses.
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